Headquarters Sumitomo Fudosan Osaki Garden Tower, 1-1-1
Nishi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0033, Japan
Established June 3, 1960
Capital Stock ¥100 million
Businesses Planning, development and sales of game-related content for mobile phones, PCs, smart devices and home video game consoles.
Employees 3,155 (as of Mar. 31, 2024)
Stocks Issued 174,945,700
Fiscal Year-end March 31
Honorary Chairman of the Board:Hajime Satomi
Chairman and CEO, Representative Director:Haruki Satomi
President and COO, Representative Director:Shuji Utsumi
Co-COO, Representative Director:Yukio Sugino
Senior Vice President and Global CFO, Director of the Board:Tatsuyuki Miyazaki
Director of the Board:Koichi Fukazawa
Executive Vice President, Executive Officer
Head of Japan Asia Studios Business Unit #1:
Osamu Ohashi
Executive Vice President, Executive Officer
Head of Japan Asia Studios Business Unit #2:
Takaya Segawa
Executive Vice President, Executive Officer
Head of Global Transmedia Group:
Justin Scarpone
Senior Vice President, Executive Officer
Head of Entertainment Productions, Film and Television
Head of Business Affairs:
Toru Nakahara
Senior Vice President, Executive Officer
Head of Corporate Development HQ, Deputy Head of Global Corporate HQ
(in charge of Legal, HR, IP):
Kikuo Masumoto
Senior Vice President, Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Planning HQTakashi Shirai
Senior Vice President, Executive Officer
Head of Japan Asia Publishing Business Unit:
Go Saito
VP, Executive Officer, Head of Technology Development Division:Hiroshi Kataoka
VP, Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Service Division:Kei Ishikawa
VP, Executive Officer
Deputy Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Strategy Officer of West Publishing Business Unit, Head of Marketing Solution Division:
Yusuke Suai
VP, Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sega of America, Inc.:Hitoshi Okuno
VP, Executive Officer, Head of Development Division 1:Masayoshi Yokoyama
VP, Executive Officer, Sonic Creative Officer, Sega of America, Inc.:Takashi Iizuka
VP, Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Sega Europe Ltd.
Head of Global Product Operation Division:
Tatsuya Shikata
Auditor:Kiyotaka Kunihiro
Auditor:Takeshi Nakayama
Auditor:Hiroshi Ishikura